“ Building A Brand F在房rom Scratch?從無到有創建品牌
A Brand Is … 品牌是...
A unique combination of three att綠鐘ributes
A Brand Is … 品牌是...
product benefit
what makes the consumer like the prod東了uct
brand personality/ima街美ge
what makes the consumer trust t站女he product
consumer needs/beliefs
what makes the consume吧靜r value the product
If we can understand the “connection歌店” between these three attributes, th站低en we can turn a product into a bran男雪d
This gives us a “framew為弟ork” for
&n照時bsp;understanding what our brand 文光;
&器外nbsp; &南不nbsp; 校議 is, or服土 could be
An Example : Nike? 例子:耐克科商
Launched in 1974
Sports shoe specialist with worldwi公師de sales of US$877m by 1986
New advertising campa村船ign “Just Do It” took sports麗去 imagery mass market
題爲 “Just Do It” 的 新廣告以運動形象打入鄉少大(dà)衆市場
passion, drama, moral uplift
made it fashionable
made sports shoes a fashion item
Worldwide sales of US$9,200信東m in 1997
97年全球銷售額 92 億美元
The Connection 關系?Triangle 三角形圖
Product Benefit 産品的好處
Why I like the product 我(wǒ)(wǒ)爲何下購喜歡該産品
Nike Connection 耐克 ?Triangle 關系三角形圖
Optimum Performance
One Mistake : Nike?耐克的一(yī)個錯誤
Launched casual shoes術音 in 1994
Disastrous sales, and damage to Nik科南e image.
What has casual shoes got to be wi務書th Nike brand
Range withdrawn
“ It is not enough ju呢訊st to know the consumer. You also hav日森e to know
your brand”
(Phil Knig兵作ht, Nike founder)
風線 (Phil 喝問Knight, 耐克創立者)
Why ?
&nbs說媽p; 爲什麽?
Lessons From Nike?從耐克吸取的教訓票日
Deliver a superior p時理roduct, as defined b裡著y the consumer
not something anyone can雨得 do
At an acceptable premium
Own a corner of the con業嗎sumer psyche
the desire in all of us to be a ‘winne厭個r’
Reorientate all elements of the mark視黑eting mix to support 拍微the brand
eg : ‘Just Do It’
如:“Just Do It”
extreme effort of competitio拿他n
fun, irreverent atti風子tude to life
Left Bank Café ?Presi金子dent Enterprise??左岸咖啡館?統一(yī)企業集團
Background 背景
Why was the Left Bank Caf電這é brand born?
President Enterprise’s dairy products歌拿 were being sold under the “Pre行開sident” brand name, and for a long time弟個 had been unable to rise beyond seco年到nd or third placed brand 裡如in the market.
Background (Cont’d) &n一呢bsp;背景
The reason was that Pr笑數esident was also marketing a great va但要riety of other products und生開er the corporate brand name, includ月姐ing not only food and drink products, b和可ut also insurance and even amuse這船ment parks.
Background (Cont’d) 背景用說
This led to confusion of the brand ass腦紅ets,
which caused a long-term proble頻報m for President’s dairy p這筆roducts, since they needed to co器遠nvey a clear image of “fr嗎男eshness” and “expertise.”
Background(Cont’d) 背景
To solve the problem購窗, President wished to create a new b得農rand for its dairy products,機鐵 capitalizing on the 會玩competitive edge of its sup書器erior refrigeration facili舊睡ties and distribution system. In Taiwan不藍, any beverage  站吃;that comes in a Tetra Pak - be it a草計 high-cost coffee or a low-cost soy 師北milk - is always sold f土外or either NT$10 or NT$15. And any be討哥verage that comes in a can is 業如always sold for NT$20.
爲此“統一(yī)”希望爲它的乳類食品建立一(yī)個新牌子,唱要利用其在台灣具競争力的冷凍設施及分(fē裡外n)配系統。在台灣,以Tetra Pak包裝日西的飲料 - 不論是高價的咖啡還是低價的豆奶 - 價錢總是10或15元新木風台币。罐頭包裝飲料則賣 20元。
Background (Cont’d) &nbs算兵p;背景
With the strong competition in the mark自船et and the ever-increasing cost of 理睡raw materials, we thought 東去it would be great if we could sell the 媽紙same kinds of beverages, in pack歌那ages of the same volume, for a price o森森f NT$25。
Package 包裝
The brand story starts with a pl理內astic cup.
We developed a white明數 plastic cup. This cu門音p looks just like an ordinary房愛 McDonald’s take-away coffee cup對信,but is made of plastic土樂 rather than paper.
Place 産品放(fàng)件劇置
This cup does not have拿不 a vacuum seal, and the contents ca對能n only be kept for a short period, 兵中and then only if the cup is stored路微 at a temperature of 5C.&nb朋裡sp;
這個沒有真空密閉的杯子隻有在 5oC冷藏這東櫃才能讓内容物(wù)保存一(yī)段短暫的時間土務。
Place (Cont’d)亮能 産品放(fàng)置
Nevertheless, we realized t信讀hat this shortcoming actu錢到ally presented an opportunity. Be生水cause the storage pe弟做riod is so short, consumers will b市他elieve that the contents of the金制 cup are fresh. And if a drink is 舊頻fresh, there is a good reason for拍就 it to be a little m風區ore expensive than a dr電冷ink which is not.
Price 價格
All the strategic thinking was con站我centrated on one major obje煙著ctive: how can we make動兵 consumers accept the unreasonabl玩白y high price of NT$25 per cup?
We asked ourselves a ser務開ies of questions to help us e能明nsure we could create a high-class員技 brand.
Product 産品 錯什
What kind of product should we put int師頻o the cup, to best
help us sell it for the highe兵街st price?
We considered wine, fruit juic到還e and milk, but
finally decided on coffee
- less likely to deterio那到rate
- high quality perception
- milk content led to favoura外呢ble tax rate
Brand Concept 品牌概念
We then asked ourselv票刀es - where can we say this coffee 舞近comes from, in order to create a h外筆igh-class impression?
We held eight focus discus頻醫sion groups to interrogate雨動 4 concepts
Brand Concept (Cont’d)?品牌概念
An airline kitchen ?
Coffee from an airline kitchen, as 車費specially prepared for first-class passe問近ngers
空中(zhōng)廚房 ?
Brand Concept (Cont’d)?品牌概念
A high-class Japanese s們熱tyle coffee shop ? 車妹
Coffee from a refined and elegant Japanese specialty coffee shop
日式高級咖啡館 ?
Brand Concept (Cont’d)學說?品牌概念
A left bank café
Coffee from Paris - from a café on the 船雨left
bank of the Seine - a place full of atmosphere, a haunt of p但體oets and philosophers
這咖啡來自巴黎塞納河左岸一(yī)家充滿人 文氣氛的咖啡館,一(yī)個詩人、哲學家喜 歡去(qù)的地方。
Brand Concept (Cont’d)?品牌概念
10 Downing Street
Coffee from the kitchen 少年of the British
prime minister’s residence, a pl志業ace
where coffee is prepared for VIP
visitors every day.
Brand Concept (Cont’d)?品牌概念
It became apparent that most people 習黃felt that the coffee from a left bank歌吃 café seemed to have t我不he highest value, and would 體下make them pay the highest price民現.
Target Group 目标消費(fèi)群
Who would be the most willing to pa東到y NT$25 to buy a coffee that would哥長 only cost NT$15 in a Tetra Pak?
用Tetra Pak包裝的咖啡隻賣15元,
Target Group (Cont’d)?目标消費(f煙大èi)群
Any new beverage pro師技duct must achieve a good turno照愛ver within three months, or 鐘時it will be delisted. Who wou年劇ld be more than merely curious (sinc雜喝e curiosity alone would關資 not be enough to overcome the high紙時-price barrier), and buy into the id公短ea of the brand?
Target Group (Cont’d)?目标消費(fèi)群化服
Young women aged 17 都微to 22 are characterized as being ho到師nest and sentimental, full of hopes 慢技and dreams, fond of art and l雪我iterature, but not particularly s河書ophisticated, since they still 少什do not have much experience of life. 業鄉
我(wǒ)(wǒ)們選擇17到 22歲的年輕女士,她們有誠實、多愁善感,身爸喜愛文學藝術,但生(shēng)活經驗不多,不太成熟。
Target Group (Cont’d)?目标消費(fèi)群
They loved the idea be熱看hind the brand, and 子有were particularly motivat生說ed by the ‘Left Bank café’ con物得cept.
Consumer Insight?洞察消費(fèi員視)者
They look for much more from a produ房好ct than mere product quality. &師請nbsp;They look for em喝裡otional reward, something that 工坐makes them feel better something that分商 makes them feel more sophis紅銀ticated than they rea拍業lly are. They lo上師ok for brands that u站厭nderstand and address their i新快nner needs.
The Left Bank Café c笑吧oncept together with the 美火aromatic, ‘adult’ flavour of co算看ffee, fostered a sense of sp那問iritual renewal in them.
Tone & Manner 氣氛及風格
According to statistics from身輛 bookstores, the most pop外亮ular author among young &筆姐nbsp;women of this age gr秒呢oup is Murakami Haruki. She is t畫務he foremost representat站電ive of a new style of Japanes電科e writing, which is hip, absurd, 公化postmodern, and always coolly很愛 deadpan. What’s unique about Mu高歌rakami’s stories is that they樂麗 expertly manage to conjure u我費p the feeling of city dwellers.
Tone & Manner 氣氛及風格
Though the visual part of the L志他eft Bank Café advertising should ha業工ve a very French style, the copy sh自可ould have a very Japa雪器nese literary style.
Correction Triangle : Left Bank Cafe媽麗
Creative Brief 創意簡報
During the proces店放s of briefing the creative people, we 錯煙told them, “Let’s forget that請習 we are making advertiseme唱志nts for packaged drinks這金. Let’s pretend that our clie錯算nt is actually a café - that we are ma線錯king advertisements for花討 a French café!”
We collected a lot of reference inform身店ation from Fran上信ce, including pictures and ev弟西en menus of French cafés.&說樂nbsp;
The Left Bank Café S雨一ells More Than Just Coffee 不僅是賣咖啡 美老;
If our brand was to be a ca暗要fé, then there was no reason f購司or it to be limited to only sellin兵現g coffee. The brand c日理ould be
extended to include a見能ll the items on a café menu.
The Left Bank Café Sells More Than Just在國 Coffee 不僅是賣咖啡
So now when you look in the 如站refrigerators at 7- Ele少個ven, you will also find Thé au市商 lait, as well as Bl兵又ancmange and other French-style desser到視ts, all under the Left Bank跳是 Café umbrella brand.
所以,現在你從 7-黑樹11 便利店(diàn)的冷藏櫃裏,還能找到左岸咖啡館牌子的奶茶煙得、牛奶凍和其它法式甜品。
The Left Bank Café Sells 農商More Than Just Coffee (C些票ont’d) 不僅是賣咖啡
We are currently他麗 evaluating the possib但資ilities for French-style cakes, and見湖 in the future we hope to票自 have special refrigerators in stores,雪錢 exclusively for Left Bank Caf廠那é products.
The Role of Advertising?廣告的角色
The advertising encourages con著兵sumers to build a pictu讀妹re in their minds of 上樂their favorite French café - an ide西商al café, a café with a lon電綠g history and a stro這謝ng cultural, artistic 車聽atmosphere.
廣告要促使消費(fèi)者在腦海裏建造一(yī)個自己最喜愛的法國咖啡館 -器化- 一(yī)個理想的咖啡館,一(yī)個曆史悠久、文化藝術氣自你氛濃厚的咖啡館。
The Relationship With th歌西e Brand 品牌寫真
Left Bank Café will h外科ave the power to stimulate a real a遠來nd strong response in
the imagination of consumers.
The Relationship With the Brand &nb很又sp; 品牌寫真
Left Bank Café will have a rela愛制tionship with the co老公nsumer like that of a favor金家ite book, such as a tr美呢avel memoir, or a small v民開olume of poetry, which is always kept 生暗on a nearby bookshelf, so that it can b風物e taken down to be enjoyed in p船為eaceful moments alone. In the sam了街e way, Left Bank Café明愛 is always ready to bri畫空ng you refreshment whenev女你er you need it.
The Relationship With The Bra光很nd (Cont’d)品牌寫真 (續)
The insight is:
You are here in Taiwan. Sometimes章工 you think about goin作影g to Europe for a romanti業家c vacation, but in this busy and practi房電cal world, all you can do is take a men這訊tal trip to Europe - by going新服 window shopping at a European冷歌 - style furniture s農制tore or dining in a French 我技restaurant.
The Relationship With The 物南Brand (Cont’d)品牌寫真 (續街醫)
Left Bank Café makes the m吃討ental trip easier - simply satisfying 南森your spiritual desires, any time, 事村any place, and privat如跳ely.
而左岸咖啡館使這想象之旅更輕松 -- 簡單地滿湖玩足你随時可能冒出的一(yī)點精神欲望,孤獨享受。
Building the French Café (Cont’d喝黃) 品牌塑造
The TVC is based on the girl錢民’s notes and jottings 來讀about her travels.
The print ads are a series of shor理光t stories about things that have hap紙科pened in the café. 近南
The radio ads are lik筆舊e poetic vignettes from the café到光, and were broadcast late at night.物舞
Building the French Café (Co刀明nt’d) 品牌塑造
In order to make people believe in 地輛the existence of the ca可是fé, there was also a serie樂我s of supporting events, in筆站tended to make the fantasy become a地靜 reality.
Building the French Café 大新(Cont’d) 品牌塑造北工
During an exhibition報刀 of photographs of French 校司cafés at Taiwan’s most會他 deluxe
bookstore, an open-ai錢通r “Left Bank Café” was set u內靜p outside.
A 15-minute program e兒秒ntitled “Left Bank Café舊也 Tour,” introducing 20 cafés on the 書林left bank of the Seine, 東秒was produced for cable TV.
Building the French Café (Cont’d厭街) 品牌塑造
Around the tim離路e of the French nati匠樂onal day, the Left Bank C行舊afé brand was one of the sponsors of a有現 celebration dinner and a Fre老人nch film festival organized by the F遠外rench Institute in Taiwan. The s遠通ponsors included actual頻上 French brands such as Renault,現朋Peugeot, Chanel, Chris也場tian Dior, a number of diff村行erent wine-makers, and one bran又照d you would never find in Franc個計e itself - Left Bank Café!
法國國慶期間,左岸咖啡館是慶宴和法國電(diàn)影節贊助商(shāng)之一(yī)。雷諾、标緻、香奈爾、Christian Dior等法國品牌也不藍在贊助商(shāng)之列。
The Brand 品牌
Is there really a Santa Claus來市?
According to the results of las街但t week’s Left &n雪女bsp;Bank Café Brand Audit, t業業he TV commercial giv計嗎es people an enjoyable 紙的feeling of solitude. Wh是我en people drink Left Bank 樂家Café products, they fe樂她el they are rewarding themsel哥通ves. Eighty percent of the pe相習ople interviewed believe that the視作 “Left Bank Café” really exi空從sts in France, and that 窗請it will soon open a branch舞房 in Taiwan. One consumer said: “Does匠笑 the Left Bank Café really e人我xist? I prefer to believe in a world 海綠where it does.”
The Brand (Cont’d) 品牌
Left Bank Café made US$ 4 milli什樹on in
the first year, and the brand conti器廠nues to
grow stronger.
1998 vs 1997 sales o動跳ver first six months is
Better Questions 基本思考
What factors make people think of如著 a
beverage as good?
What beverages are most懂快 worth selling on consign知煙ment?
What is the most high-class place for答鐵 consignment goods to come from?
What are the most expensive drinks he就費re?
The Process of Changing th區吧e Price From NT$15 to N一南T$25 從15元變成25元的過程
Five Tips To Build A Brand From Scratch也上 ?從無到有建立品牌五個秘訣
1. Ensure your brand performs
- high quality product
- 質量好的産品
- a role in people’s 計煙lives
- 在人們的生(shēng)活中(zhōng)扮演一(yī)定的角色
2. Define your category precisely
Five Tips To Build A Brand From 問訊Scratch ?從無到有建立品牌五個秘訣
3. Think beyond price to what create吧林s ‘value’ in people’s minds
4. Connect product benefi匠著t with brand persona低山lity/image with consumer needs/be司冷liefs
5. Expand your brand proposition bey木術ond advertising.